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Research Facilities

Our Business is not to Graduate MSc and PhD Students in Socioeconomic Studies only, but rather bring Graduates that Eliminate Poverty and its Spillovers Globally.

Research Facilities

Research is built at the heart of each module in the MRE program. The facilities in this program would be more dependent on the following:

  • • The Resilience Lab – that comes from the targeted communities, or challenges needs
  • • The Reference Resilience Economy Tools and Books
  • • The Visualisation “Deep Dialogue’ Room
  • • The Students' exploration visits

SIAS MRE program leaders would ensure that they provide proper support facilities such as ITC and computer labs, besides graduate discussion rooms. Also, all the MRE candidates would be entitled to participate in exploratory visits, and best practice visits, besides SIAS forums and conferences. The students would also have access to free publications related to their scope of study, including case studies. In certain cases, students would be encourage publishing in IIEP journals and would be sponsored even for publishing in other high ranking journals, if their research is ready for this stage.