+250 798 686 314

Profile and specific admission criteria

Our Business is not to Graduate MSc and PhD Students in Socioeconomic Studies only, but rather bring Graduates that Eliminate Poverty and its Spillovers Globally.

Student profile and specific admission criteria

Candidates admitted to the program must be holders of a Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent. Holders of any Bachelor’s Degrees or other recognized document by the higher LEARNING Council equivalent to a degree on the Rwanda National Qualification framework from a known institution of learning will be eligible for admission to the Master's course

The program is also to admit future faculty who carry Postgraduate’s, or PhD certificates from other disciplines and want to calibrate their knowledge & experience with MIE way of teaching and outcome.

This program would have the following diversified beneficiaries:

• Ambitious students that target to change and develop societies.
• Institutions wish to find solutions to their problems or the problems of their society by sponsoring employees, or attending courses, or workshops.
• Young people, families and institutions wishing to implement inspiration economics applications.
• Researchers, universities, and centres wishing to contribute to social and economic development.
• Retired experts looking to leave a legacy and would be eager to share knowledge and experience.
• Owners of unappreciated success stories or entrepreneurs looking for inspiration.